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Duck Eggs

**For a perfect health especially for children** Duck eggs are characterized by high levels of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D, and E). All of these are considered an important source for the construction and balance of the body, especially for children, and also very rich in proteins, phosphorus, iodine and iron, so it is considered a healthy food by all standards to strengthen the muscles and bones and to increase the activity of the body. It also contains fatty acids (Omega 3), which is one of the most important nutrients for the health of heart, brain, nerves, skin and joints, all of which contribute to strengthening the body's immunity, purifying blood and the expulsion of toxins from the body. Duck eggs makes an alkaline environment in the body making it very beneficial for cancer patients especially breast cancer (the fact that cancer cells cannot coexist in the alkaline environment) and contributes to the prevention of birth defects. It contains a few calories, so duck eggs are involved in making a lot of therapeutic medical preparations, some studies noted that it contributes to the treatment of delayed speech in children, and also contributes to the protection of the eye from retinal problems, night blindness and darkness of the lens due to its high content of vitamin A. It is noted that ducks have the most powerful immune system among all types of birds and is one of the most birds in searching of sources of good food, so its nutrition is complete, which is reflected in the quality of its eggs. Duck eggs carry immune and disease-resistant properties that it is obtained from the mother (duck), therefore its eggs are considered the most beneficial for the health and human body. **Our products are non GMO, free of the residues of medicines and antibiotics, feeding on natural herbs, cultured grains and animal waste-free plant feed, reared in vast land under the sun and free air**